All are Welcome! Worship is on Sunday at 9:15 am and available online.
Grace Food Pantry Hours Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 11 am to 1 pm
Women of ELCA (WELCA)
Grace women are members of WELCA, which is the easier way to say the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We meet for service, for Bible study, to pray, for advocacy and fellowship. Our mission is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. We are a part of the Central/Southern Illinois Synod Women of the ELCA and the churchwide women’s organization. Please contact Pat Casper at for questions.
Bold Café is an online magazine and podcast for and with young adult women who identify as Lutheran or not.
Daily Grace is an on-the-go companion for your journey, offering a faith reflection every day.
Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA, offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.